Portfolio Management


QQuant Master Servicer Servicing of Loans and Credits Single Member SA” (hereinafter the “Quant“) acts on behalf of credit institutions or credit purchasers or financial institutions and manages claims granted to individuals and enterprises from credit or financial institutions that are based or legally established in the European Union. Quant is based in Athens, at 66 Kifissias Avenue, PC 15125, Maroussi, and is registered in the General Commercial Registry under number 143190101000. 
Quant has been lawfully licensed by the Bank of Greece by Resolutions no. 247/14.11.2017 and 505/28.06.2024 of the Credit and Insurance Committee of the Bank of Greece, by Greek Laws no 4354/2015 and 5072/2023, along with the Bank’s of Greece Executive Committee Acts no. 118/19.5.2017 and 225/30.01.2024, as in force.


"QQuant Master Servicer Monoprosopi A.E.D.A.D.P." ("Quant"), under the Management Assignment Agreement dated 12-05-2023, which was registered the same day in the Athens Mortgage Registry, Volume 16, No. 104, has assumed the management of the claim portfolio ("Pillar") of the foreign company named "Pillar Finance Designated Activity Company," based in Ireland. This portfolio was transferred from "Eurobank Ergasias S.A." under the Claims Transfer Agreement dated 18-06-2019 by the applicable legal framework (Law 4354/2015 and the current Law 5072/2023).


"QQuant Master Servicer Monoprosopi A.E.D.A.D.P." ("Quant"), under the Management Assignment Agreement dated 15-11-2019, which was registered the same day in the Athens Mortgage Registry, Volume 10, No. 350, has assumed the management of the claim portfolio ("Mirror") of the foreign company named "Asopus LP," based in the United States of America. This portfolio was transferred from "National Bank of Greece S.A." under the Sale and Transfer of Claims Agreement from Loans and Credits dated 15-11-2019 by the applicable legal framework (Law 4354/2015 and the current Law 5072/2023).


"QQuant Master Servicer Monoprosopi A.E.D.A.D.P." ("Quant"), under the Management Assignment Agreement dated 29-09-2023, has assumed the management of the claim portfolio ("Lousios") of the foreign company named "Lousios Limited," based in the United Kingdom. This portfolio was transferred from the foreign company "Astir NPL Finance 2020-1 Designated Activity Company" (which had previously acquired it from Attica Bank S.A.) under the Loan Portfolio Transfer Agreement dated 31-08-2023, by the applicable legal framework (Law 4354/2015 and the current Law 5072/2023).


"QQuant Master Servicer Monoprosopi A.E.D.A.D.P." ("Quant"), under the Management Assignment Agreement dated 07-08-2024, has assumed the management of the claim portfolio ("Metexelixis") of the banking company Attica Bank S.A. This portfolio was re-transferred from the foreign company "ABS METEXELIXIS S.A." (which had acquired it from Attica Bank S.A.) under the Sale and Reassignment of Claims Agreement dated 07-08-2024, by the applicable legal framework (Law 5072/2023).